Every breath you take…

It was summer, and the world smelled of roses and jasmine. The sunshine shimmered like powdered gold on the edge of blue wildflowers and...

What does poetry do?

What does poetry do? What is its purpose? To me, poetry is essential because poems have literally changed the way in which I look at and...

Changing lanes …green hope ahead

The time when the lebanese were so obsessed with their own plans for “a better life” that they took advantage of any resource available...

Water is life

"thirsty? make it a water on ice, please. value water... water is life!" p.c.s.

Get nosey

Did this year whizz by as fast for you as it did for us? As the year-end draws closer, it’s easy to get sucked...

Insatiable Thirst For Truth and Beauty

    With so few trees in the city and so much misery of all kinds surrounding us, how could we ever expect to see a...