Home Beyond Magazine Issue 24 Summer 2017

Beyond Magazine Issue 24 Summer 2017

Get your kicks on Route 66 A drive through American history

Words Varouj Tenbelian Beginning in Chicago and finishing on the California coast in Santa Monica, Route 66, the 3,939.6- kilometer (2,448-mile) road, or the “Mother Road” as...

Peak Performance Beyond interviews Avedis Kalpaklian

Words Alia Fawaz Tell us about yourself. My name is Avedis Kalpaklian. I was Lebanese, from Armenian decent. I am a mountaineer, adventurer, and mountain guide....

Heaven can wait Mount Pelion is the place to be

Words John Gray There are parts of Greece that are still relatively undiscovered with regard to tourism. One can say this about Mount Pelion, a...

Wishing upon a star … The search for fusion energy heats up

Words Alia Fawaz Meeting the world's energy demands is one of the major challenges of our time. Our overdependence on fossil fuels to meet our...

Masters of the untamed … when art met light outdoors

Words Tamara Batshon From the beginning of human history, nature has played a vital role in inspiring our creative expression.  Nature’s breathtaking beauty and force...

When Mother India calls

Many people will tell you that going to India has been the most memorable and life- changing trip in their lives.  India is a...