Masters of the untamed … when art met light outdoors

Words Tamara Batshon From the beginning of human history, nature has played a vital role in inspiring our creative expression.  Nature’s breathtaking beauty and force...

Seek and you shall find A spiritual journey through India

Words Ginou Choueiry If five years ago someone had asked me whether I would be interested in traveling to India, I would have immediately said...

When Mother India calls

Many people will tell you that going to India has been the most memorable and life- changing trip in their lives.  India is a...

Lebanon’s oil and gas “lottery” Will the Lebanese people strike it lucky too?

Words Alia Fawaz Lebanon’s nascent hydrocarbons industry promises to provide a big boost to the economy. After a sluggish few years, things picked up at...

Oceans Apart In Kiribati, this way beauty lies

Words Sania Shahrasbi The ocean is encroaching from every angle. Everywhere you look you can see thousands of shades of blue, green, turquoise, etc. Lying...

From one crisis to another, The influx of Syrians has crippled an already...

Words Suzy Hoayek and Alia Fawaz Reliable electricity generation has been a longstanding problem for Lebanon. The current system simply does not have the capacity...