Sign the Pacific Climate Warriors Declaration and #HaveYourSei

The Pacific Climate Warriors, are weary from waiting for world leaders to take the necessary action to create a Fossil Free world. So

Shell’s green plan underwhelms critics

A leading producer of fossil fuels, which last month announced its intention to reduce its contribution to the global warming stoked by society’s prodigal...

Macron convenes extra-ordinary climate change summit but activists say governments and businesses remain a...

As French President Emmanuel Macron launched a "One Planet Summit" in Paris to mark the second year anniversary of the Paris Agreement, activists from...

2018 Global Youth Climate Video Competition Open for Applications

Youth from all over the world can apply until the 31st of August for the 2018 Global Youth Video Competition. The initiative, which is...

Human rights must be centre-stage as Paris climate change deal takes effect, UN experts...

Human rights must be central to the way the Paris climate change agreement is put into practice, a group of UN specialists has urged...

World’s poorest people are being poisoned by their basic foods

As global temperatures creep inexorably upwards, the warming helps toxins to thrive, with dire consequences for human health. There are millions of stunted children...