Diana Tannoury
In you, my beloved, my dreams sought
a lightness of being, a thought
of moonlit blue skies,
the color of your highs
Into you my earth, my roots bowed,
into lush green heavens, they grew,
into rivers, oceans and seas
blissfully, I flowed
In our kindred souls, my companion,
our laughter resounded,
my journey, your footsteps gently threaded upon,
through a lifetime, our joys echoed
In freedom of life,
in sunlit dawns, moonshine on fields,
in heavens’ dew drops on thirsty flesh,
naked, my spirit rejoiced
In the dimples of innocence,
the gurgles of faraway lands,
the scents of angels,
the secrets of the beyond
held in the tiniest of hands
In the miracle that I am,
In love, in nature, in friendship,
In my spirit that drew me in,
In the gift of life that came through me,
There dwells happiness…