The only way is out
Words Bassam Alkantar
Seven months ago, the authorities shut the main landfill site (Naameh) for garbage from the capital, without providing an alternative. Since then, rubbish...
The man with a (sustainable) plan
words Jody Jaffe
Illustration Riad Hanna-el-daher
Lebanon seems to be constantly teetering on the brink of collapse. The garbage crisis was resolved only...
Deeply moving
Words Louis Parks Photography Jason Decaires Taylor / Cact Lanzarote
A remarkable collection of underwater sculptures highlights the dangers that are faced by...
Spring fever
Words Jihan Seoud and Alia Fawaz
Hurray, it’s finally spring! Gone are the cold days and early darkness, as we welcome flowers blooming, birds tweeting,...
Driving the lesson home
Words Sawsan Abou Fakhreddine
The project’s name, “THE 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) MOBILE SCHOOL,” encapsulates its main idea: spreading awareness in different regions through the...