Go with the flow

Words Jihan Seoud and Alia Fawaz Lebanon has always stood out for having relatively more water resources per capita than its neighboring countries, thanks to...

In search of fantastic plastic

Words Alia Fawaz Wherever you look you will see something made of plastic. It’s not just the obvious food and beverage packaging but everything from...

The fresh vigor of the spring awakens the woman

Like plants women embody quiet strength and resilience. Gifted with intelligence, intuition and grace, they never cease to inspire and amaze…         “Dance, when you're broken...

Helping industry come clean

Words Tamara Batshon Industrial waste is a leading contaminator in Lebanon, along with solid waste and wastewater.  To help reduce the pollutants from industries, the...

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin, who in his later years became increasingly passionate about plants; and his son Francis thought of the plant as a kind of...


“Intelligence is the ability to solve problems and plants are amazingly good in solving their problems.” Stefano Mancuso