Diana Tannoury
Awaken your eyes full of slumber, admire how I rise
With golden rays I sprinkle a landscape so black with night
Creatures of the dark flee at my first glimmer of light
It shines and glows on nature so wise
Valleys of vibrant colors await my warmth in sleep
At dawn, petals and leaves upturn their faces
To a shimmering radiance so deep
Illuminating the skies and shielding traces
Of stars that lost their thrones at dawn’s break
To return to their beds and rest till their hour of wake
From the East, slowly I appear
Revealing in my ascent all that you hold dear
Asleep in your arms, in your thoughts cradled
Erasing the night, it’s ravages disabled
I am the Sun, rise and see me in all my glory
The eye of the universe beholds me
For billions of years, your mother, I protected
In my embrace, she warmed
In her womb, she nurtured you
And with every new morning, Earth and Sun still watch over you.