Satellite data could help reduce flights sidelined by volcanic eruptions

A volcano erupting and spewing ash into the sky can cover nearby areas under a thick coating of ash and can also have consequences...

Sun-fuelled flight is now at least theoretically possible … Solar-powered jets could some day...

Swiss scientists are closer to making solar-powered jets a reality. They now know how to make jet fuel out of air, sunlight and water. With a...

Geo-engineering might be possible – but so far it doesn’t look practical

Geo-engineering – the untested technofix that would permit the continued use of fossil fuels – could create more problems than it could solve. By masking...

Poaching of old forest elephant matriarchs threatens rainforests

Scientists working for the Wildlife Conservation Society, the University of Stirling, and the Amboseli Trust for Elephants say that the high levels of poaching...

High retention rate for IUDS inserted after vaginal delivery

Though some studies have suggested intrauterine devices (IUDs) have a tendency to be expelled when inserted immediately following vaginal childbirth, a new study shows...

Psychological flexibility might be the key to better cognitive-behavioral interventions

Although numerous studies prove that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is effective in chronic pain treatment, psychologists acknowledge they need to learn which components of...