More plastics than plankton in our seas!!!

10 million tonnes of litter end up in the world’s seas and oceans every year. Research conducted by Algalita, an independent marine research institute based...

the city of colors

Cape Town (south of africa) is a singularly inviting place, wowing visitors with its setting amid mountains and sea, wine and culinary offerings, not...

4 Seasons 1 Tree

Four seasons in one tree... amazing

Honesty prevails… always

“It’s not about who is real to your face. It’s about who stays real behind your back.”

There is a silent eloquence In every wild bluebell…

Spotting a carpet of bluebells in a woodland is a highlight of any springtime walk in the countryside... The bluebell has been voted Britain’s favourite...

Nature’s Affair

"snow, remnants of a stormy night climax of a torrid affair indecent proof of nature's vulnerability unsoiled love, pure and white" extract from the poem "Nature's Affair" by...