
Moby Whispering Wind HQ Nature Video

I hope you enjoy my nature video with Moby Whispering Wind music. Thanks for all the positive

Jaguar Diving Underwater for more than 30 second!!!

A Jaguar Diving Underwater for more than 30 second literary breathtaking! Surprise of how Jaguar are able to swim and dive underwater. The Jaguar seems to...

Organic Burial Pods Will Turn Loved Ones Into Trees.

No matter what your faith, or if you believe in an afterlife, these organic burial pods that turn loved ones into trees make the idea...


We love meat. We love cheese. And for thousands of years we have relied on animals to make them. Impossible Foods has found a...

uncommon fish to witness anywhere in the world

The Short Nosed Batfish is an uncommon fish. It's small alien like creature. Shortnose Batfish (Ogcocephalus nasutus) Also known as Also known as Anglerfishes, Shortnosed Batfish, Walking...

Time to Get Real on Climate Change!

Morgan Freeman narrates this hopeful, must-watch short film about the need to solve the climate change problem. Video by the United Nations.